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Are Your Chakras Blocked? How to Fix Them

chakras and essential oils

ROOT CHAKRA (red, earth element)

  • Do you tend to get constipated easily?
  • Do you often feel fatigued?
  • Would others describe you as “ungrounded” or “spacey”?

If you answered, “yes” to one or more of these questions, you may have a blocked Root Chakra.
Common Ailments: Lower back pain, arthritis, blood disorders, digestive disorders, skin problems, varicose veins, constipation, allergic reactions, pain in the legs and feet.

Re-Align Your Root Chakra:
Feed With: red apples, beetroot, tomatoes, pomegranates, strawberries, and raspberries.
Balance With: HYSSES Chakras (Root) or Frankincense Essential Oil

SACRAL CHAKRA (orange, water element)
  • Do you have problems with your reproductive organs, such as painful menstruation?
  • Do you feel like your creativity is blocked?
  • Do you wish your sex life was different?

If you answered, “yes” to one or more of these questions, you may have a blocked Sacral Chakra.
Common Ailments: Urinary and Weak Bladder, Kidney Problems, Cysts and Ovaries Inflammation, Impotence, Sexual Ailments, Menstrual Pain.

Re-Align Your Sacral Chakra:
Feed With: carrots, mangoes, oranges, peaches, pumpkins and sweet potatoes.
Balance With: HYSSES Chakras (Sacral) or Orange Essential Oil

SOLAR PLEXUS CHAKRA (yellow, water element)
  • Do you have problems with digestion?
  • Do your blood sugar levels fluctuate easily?
  • Do you struggle with issues surrounding will power or self-esteem?

If you answered, “yes” to one or more of these questions, you may have a blocked Solar Plexus Chakra.
Common Ailments: Ulcers, Heartburn, Diseases of the Liver, Spleen and Gallbladder, Intestinal Problems, Stomachache, Nervous Disorders, Obesity, Anorexia

Re-Align Your Solar Plexus Chakra:
Feed With: bananas, pineapple, corn, lemons, and yellow peppers
Balance With: HYSSES Chakras (Solar Plexus) or Marjoram Essential Oil

HEART CHAKRA (green, Air element)
  • Do you have heart disease or high blood pressure?
  • Is it difficult for you to empathize with someone who is going through a difficult time?
  • Does intimacy frighten you?

If you answered, “yes” to one or more of these questions, you may have a blocked Heart Chakra.
Common Ailments: Heart Diseases, High or Low Blood Pressure, Cholesterol, Respiratory Problems, Skin Problems

Re-Align Your Heart Chakra:
Feed With: green apples, avocado, lime, kiwi, cucumber, celery, broccoli, spinach, green tea
Balance With: HYSSES Chakras (Heart) or Mandarin Essential Oil

THROAT CHAKRA (sky blue, Akasha element)
  • Do you have thyroid problems or do you get a sore throat easily?
  • Is it hard for you to express how you feel?
  • Do you feel like your mind and heart live in two different worlds?

If you answered, “yes” to one or more of these questions, you may have a blocked Throat Chakra.
Common Ailments: Sore Throat Pain, Tonsillitis, Speech Defects, Dental Problems, Gum Disease, Neck and Shoulder Pain, Thyroid Issues

Re-Align Your Throat Chakra:
Feed With: blueberries, blackberries, coconut water, herbal teas
Balance With: HYSSES Chakras (Throat) or Lemongrass Essential Oil

THIRD EYE CHAKRA (indigo, light element)
  • Do you have headaches?
  • Do you have a tendency to have hormonal imbalances or get depressed?
  • Do you have poor intuition?

If you answered, “yes” to one or more of these questions, you may have a blocked Third Eye Chakra.
Common Ailments: Dizziness, Headaches, Poor eyesight, Deafness, Seizures, Mental Illness, Learning disabilities, Problems with Concentration, Sinus Infections, Schizophrenia

Re-Align Your Third Eye Chakra:
Feed With: purple grapes, blueberries, purple kale, eggplant, purple potatoes
Balance With: HYSSES Chakras (Third Eye) or Lavender Essential Oil

CROWN CHAKRA (purple, no element)
  • Do you have difficulty with your sleep/wake cycles?
  • Is it difficult to meditate?
  • Do you feel disconnected from your own body as well as others?

If you answered, “yes” to one or more of these questions, you may have a blocked Crown Chakra.
Common Ailments: Multiple Sclerosis, Cancer, Weak Immune System, Depression, Sleep Disorders.

Re-Align Your Crown Chakra:
Feed With: lychee, coconut, mushrooms, garlic, ginger, onion
Balance With: HYSSES Chakras (Crown) or Sandalwood Essential Oil

Want to learn more about Chakras? Check out some of our blogs below:
