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Aromatherapy Diffuser - A Natural Alternative to Synthetic Air Fresheners 

How can aromatherapy diffusers compare with synthetic air fresheners?

When choosing between the two, you would see that aromatherapy diffusers, which are considered to be novelty, hasn't been a popular choice when it comes to household fragrance diffusers as compared to air fresheners. That being said, the range of air fresheners are far and plenty. You can easily find one at your local convenience store with interesting scents which you probably won't find in aromatherapy stores. 

Despite all these, people fail to see the real reason why they should ditch their air fresheners.


Air fresheners contain formaldehyde. This is a human carcinogen which is extremely hazardous to health and can cause cancer, hormonal abnormalities, birth defects and reproductive problems. Formaldehyde also causes short term problems such as eyes, nose and throat irritation. Inhalation of formaldehyde may also result in the damage to the lining of the nose and throat.

How dangerous are air fresheners?

Not to worry, these are not deadly enough to kill you, but we all have to agree that there is a certain level of toxicity in these seemingly harmless everyday products. 

A natural alternative - Aromatherapy Diffuser

If you are planning to walk the natural route of scenting up your home, then aromatherapy diffusers would be the better pick for you. Not only are they carcinogen-free, they are also completely 100% natural and therapeutic to the body.

 Aromatherapy diffusers also serve more than just an air freshener. They can help with relieving stress and bringing you a peaceful sleep, or fighting tiredness when you need to keep alert. When you have guests over, aromatherapy diffusers can boost the mood of the place, making your guests feel more energetic and refreshed. On other days, an aromatherapy diffuser is there to protect you from pesky insects that try to invade your home.

With so many functions in just one product, maybe it's time to ditch your commercial store bought air freshener and go for an aromatherapy diffuser which will guarantee a healthy, well scented home.
