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Baby Approved Products for Sensitive Skin

Calling all mummies (and daddies) out there – are you concerned about your baby’s safety when buying body and skin care products for your child? Have you ever came across products labelled “safe for babies” but ironically the ingredients proved otherwise?

Dozens of bath, body and skin care brands have marketed themselves to be safe and non-irritating, identifying their products as baby-safe. However, how many of these products are true to its claim?

First, let’s weigh in on the 3 most common ingredients found in your body products.

  1. Parabens

Parabens are a group of chemicals that are used a preservative to prolong the shelf life of your products. They have been linked to cause endocrine, reproductive, developmental problems and skin irritation.

  1. Formaldehyde

Formaldehyde is also another preservative added in water-based products such as toners. It is a human carcinogen that induces allergy-like reactions including respiratory problems, headache and nausea.

  1. Sodium Lauryl Sulfate (SLS)

If you find that your skin is constantly dry or itchy, SLS is the most likely culprit. SLS has a degenerative effect on the skin membranes, even at low concentrations. As a known skin irritant, SLS also causes dermatitis, and irritates the eyes even for adults.

These ingredients are only some of the many ingredients that you should not find in your products, and even more so in your baby products. Not only will these ingredients irritate your skin, when used in the long run, they may be detrimental to health.

Why Choose HYSSES? 

HYSSES’ Lavender Chamomile body products uses natural botanical ingredients to provide healing therapy, care and nourishment to the skin and body. Our formulas avoid harmful toxins and ingredients to provide only the best for both you and baby.

Here are some of the baby-approved products that mummies can use on their loved ones.

Lavender Chamomile Massage Oil

This bottle of massage oil is formulated to protect skin against daily aggressors, nourish skin with Vitamin E, and keep skin moisturized and hydrated with its all-natural list of ingredients. Hypoallergenic and suitable for babies and sensitive skin.

Lavender Chamomile Body Wash

Anti-bacterial and antiseptic effects. 100% pure essential oils soothe sensitive and delicate skin. Not only does it smell heavenly, its calming and relaxing properties softens irritated skin as it cleanses the skin.

Lavender Chamomile Body Lotion

Light and non-sticky, this body lotion de-stresses and repairs the skin’s natural barrier for protection against harsh environments. Additional herbs Marigold and Rosemary provide exceptional healing and protection from sun damage.

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