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Leading a Healthy Lifestyle Whilst Being at Home

Covid-19 has said to last until the end of the year. Even when the stores open and everyone is able to go back to work, things are still not the same. There are stricter measures in place; SafeEntry, 1m social distancing and the temperature taking in every store and company. Family outing and shopping are not the same as before, there are no testers in stores and people get paranoid when other people sneeze or cough. There are also hand sanitisers at every corner now since hygiene has to be taken seriously in order to avoid the risk of contacting this virus.

That being said, our health is the most important thing right now, and it is important to eat healthy to get our body and immune system at its peak performance! But how do we do that whilst being at home most of the time? (I mean, let’s admit it, we are used to being on lockdown)

It is actually really easy to lead a healthy lifestyle even at home! All you have to do is make a few minor changes in your diet and routine, and you are one step closer to being the healthiest version of yourself.

  1. Keep doing the home workouts

Okay, let’s be honest here. All of us has at least done one home workout routine in an attempt to get that summer body. If you are still diligently doing the workouts, don’t stop! Even when you start working in your offices, be sure to make some time to continue the workouts. If you stopped the workouts after a few attempts, try to do minor exercises instead of a full-on workout routine. Just do anything as long as you move your body and stretch. You do not need any fancy workout equipment, try doing exercises that only requires your body weight!

  1. Keep up the fruit and vegetable intake

Fruits and vegetables are the easiest way you can try to be healthier. There is so many nutrients in one tiny thing, you would be doing yourself a favour if you just keep up with the recommended serving of fruits and vegetables daily.

  1. Limit fast food

I feel like this should be easier after McDonald’s and bubble tea stores closed down during the circuit breaker. People are no longer eating McDonald’s breakfast every morning or ordering bubble tea every 2 hours. Fast food is great for when you are busy or just want a cheat day to satisfy your cravings. However, it is important to limit the amount of fast food we consume as it often contains little to no nutrients (but plenty of highly processed foods, sugar, and sodium).

  1. Practice safe food hygiene

RedMart has been insanely popular during circuit breaker as it delivers fresh stocks to every household. Even though they are fresh, it is important to remember how many hands the food has been held by before it made its way to your house. From picking to packing, your fresh stocks have been through a lot. It is great to take extra measures to ensure that your food is safe to use. Wash your fruits and vegetables before consumption and wipe your foods that are pre-packaged.

When it comes to cooking or storing them, be sure that the raw and cooked foods are separated.

  1. Take supplements

It is okay to take supplements during this pandemic. The first few weeks of circuit breaker, Vitamin C supplements were sold out as people panic buy to improve their immune system to protect themselves from falling sick. However, that is not the only way to improve your immune system. Taking supplements are not limited to oral supplements. Essential oils and home scents are also two very powerful tools to help protect our body and mind, and also improve the immune system. HYSSES has curated specific blends that helps with improving the immune system. People can buy those to protect themselves, in addition to taking oral supplements.  

Even though circuit breaker has ended, it is still important for everyone to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

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