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Life After Covid-19: Work-Life Balance

This pandemic has blurred the lines between work and life as people have had to work from home during the lockdown. But after this lockdown, how will you manage your work-life balance again after being so used to working from home? Perhaps it will take some time to get used to working in the office again, and not bring work back home in order to have some quality family time. But just how important is a work-life balance after a pandemic? Since everything has changed, do we still have to maintain our work-life balance or is it all about blurring those lines together now?

Working from home has made people so used to do things at their own pace. No more rushing around the office, trying to get work done, and no more taking more than what we can handle just to please the boss. Working from home allowed people to take a longer break after being ahead of a project and also spend time with their young ones. People have learned how to work around the family and work responsibilities, often the two are integrated together.

So, just how important is it to reinforce our work-life balance? Should we start to blur those lines together?  

When lockdown ends, more and more people will be able to go back to work as per normal. However, working from home is still the default for most companies so as to minimize the traffic in Singapore.

For those who are going back to work, it may be tough to re-adapt to the separate working life and home life after being able to work at their own pace for nearly three months.

However, that makes it all the more important for them to organize their work and home life in order to achieve a balance. If this pandemic has taught us one thing, it is to be grateful for our loved ones. This means that we can no longer prioritize our work life more than family. It means people need to be able to be productive at work, but also know how to stop and let loose at home.

For those who are still working from home, it is easier for them to ‘go back to work’ as they are allowed to blur those two lines together. They can work in their home while also playing with their young ones and taking care of their elderly.

It all depends on your current work situation and how you adapt yourself to it. Life after Covid-19 will be tough, and it is okay to take things slow as things ease back to normal.

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