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Sensitive skin is easily inflamed, and have to deal with redness and irritation.

Signs Of Sensitive Skin

Individuals developing mild to severe breakouts. (Acne type sensitivity)

Burning & Stinging: Mild to severe stinging and burning sensations during the application of skin care products. Exposure to cold, heat, wind, and other types of environmental stimuli will often produce similar symptoms.

Facial redness and recurrent scaling as a result of exposure to allergens and various other irritants. This is caused by skin barrier damaged that loses its protective ability and allowed damaging chemical to penetrate the skin. (Contact dermatitis and irritant dermatitis)

What Essential Oils Can I Use For Sensitive Skin?

For sensitive skin type, look for essential oils that do not contain synthetic chemical, alcohol and fragrances. Essential oils that are gentle, soothing and calming are the best for sensitive skin.

Rose - more info | product

Great to soften dry and sensitive skin, may reduce redness and irritation.

Chamomile - more info  |  product

Reduce redness and irritation.

Lavender - more info | product

Soothe and calming, helps reduce itchiness.

Neroli - more info | product

Reduce redness and irritation and to help with broken capillaries.

Additional Skincare Tips

Calm irritable skin with calendula oil, which contains powerful anti-inflammatory properties to prevent acne and reduce skin redness, and Vitamin A to reveal a healthy, new layer of skin. Avoid using skin care and cosmetic products that have alcohol, harsh exfoliants, sodium lauryl sulfate, petrochemicals, acids or synthetic fragrances that can irritate the skin.

When using new products, always run a patch test before applying them as a way to check for sign of irritation or redness.

How to run a patch test?

Step 1: Apply a small amount of product onto the side of your neck.

Step 2: Wait at least 24 hours to see if there is any reactions.

What reactions to look out for:

-Small, bumpy spots

-Itchy or mild burning sensation



Additional Tips For Sensitive Skin

Start the day with a glass of lemon water as it contains Vitamin C and other antioxidants that help combat free-radical damage and purges toxins from the blood. This keeps the skin glowing and free from acne, wrinkles and other skin problems.

Keep away from the sun directly as much as possible as too much heat damages skin cells and can often cause skin rashes and diseases. Avoid the harmful ultraviolet rays of the sun by applying sunscreen with high SPF.
